About Forming Fathers

About Forming Fathers
Forming Fathers Mission Statement

Dear young men,

My name is Zach Blodgett and I'm starting the "Forming Fathers" movement because I care very deeply about you.



  • I too see that young men concede that life is only about seeking pleasure
  • I've read the stats men are fighting on suicide, addiction, fatherless, and more
  • I've listened to the messaging from the media casting you as wretched
  • I fight battles with the deadly sins of the modern age that seek our destruction
  • I also am relentlessly seeking purpose, meaning and fulfillment in life

But why me? There's Jordan Peterson, Ryan Michler, Jocko, and other men who are talking about this topic too.


They are great resources and you should follow much of their advice.

But, what I couldn't find anywhere was perspective from a young father in his 20s who fully understood the messages being targeted at you.

My family gets stares and comments everyday because we have three children and are younger.

We're an anomaly.

Especially if you live in urban areas in the United States, you'll be lucky to find people with one or even two children. And even then, the parents are in their 30s or 40s, put their kids in daycare/hire a nanny, and talk about the desire to get back to their careers.

Children are a gift.

Men, my message to you is simple:

Seek Fatherhood. Find purpose.

Not every man is called to getting married and having children. But you are called to become a Father Figure in some capacity. There is a nephew, brother, friend, coworker, etc. that is watching you and forming their lives based on what they see.

There is no escaping this responsibility.

You are being called upon.

Here at Forming Fathers, I will humbly do my best to provide you men guidance and a community so that you know that you aren't alone.

Join me on this mission and let's lead 1,000 young men into fatherhood.

Stay strong and lead with love,


Zach and his family of 5

PS: I'm going to write a book called "Family Second" one day.